Reconnecting with nature and adventure in our magical private woodland
A place to play freely, climb trees, build dens, hunt bugs, swing in hammocks, dig in mud and create masterpieces in the mudkitchen.
"They're not just playing in nature, they are: Learning, creating, sensing, believing, relaxing, exploring, observing, wondering, connecting, discovering, appreciating, understanding, experimenting..."
- Penny Whitehouse -
Forest School & Woodland Play
Research strongly supports the profound benefits of outdoor play and learning for children. Engaging in nature-based activities promotes cognitive development, physical fitness, and emotional and social well-being. It enhances mental health, encourages resilience, and fosters problem-solving and teamwork.
Outdoor experiences also help instill a lifelong appreciation of the natural world, promoting environmental stewardship and healthy lifestyles. Furthermore, studies show that physical activity outdoors boosts focus, reduces stress, and positively impacts educational attainment. By allowing children to explore, take measured risks, and connect with nature, we provide essential opportunities for holistic growth and development.