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Curious Cubs Terms and Conditions and

Waiver of Liability

Welcome to CURIOUS CUBS! We're excited to have you with us!

1. Acknowledgment of Risk
Participating in activities at Curious Cubs involves certain inherent risks that cannot be entirely avoided, even with careful precautions. These risks range from minor injuries, like scratches, bruises, and sprains, to more severe injuries, including paralysis and, in rare cases, death. I recognise and accept the risks associated with activities at Curious Cubs, which may result from other participants, accidents, natural forces, or other causes. It is my responsibility to ensure that my child only engages in activities for which they possess the necessary skills.

2. Consent for First Aid
I understand that participation in these activities may expose the named participant to risks and potential injuries. I acknowledge that a qualified First Aid attendant is present on site and give my consent for my child to receive medical treatment, including transportation to a doctor or hospital, should it be deemed necessary in the event of injury, accident, or illness during the program.


3. Appropriate Clothing
I recognise that it is my responsibility to ensure my child is dressed appropriately for each activity and acknowledge that I have been informed about the recommended attire.

4. Weather Conditions
Given the nature and location of our forest learning sessions, weather can impact participant safety. I understand that Curious Cubs reserves the right to cancel or modify activities in the event of inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances.

5. Responsibility for Personal Belongings
I acknowledge that I am solely responsible for my personal possessions before, during, and after the program.


6. Parental Supervision
Curious Cubs does not assume responsibility for supervising your child. I understand that I am required to supervise my child’s activities at all times during the program.

7. Release of Liability
I hereby release, waive, and fully discharge Curious Cubs from any and all claims, demands, obligations, and liabilities arising from or connected to my participation in the outdoor activity program, regardless of cause, including negligence, breach of contract, or statutory duty. This release covers all known and unforeseen claims, injuries, damages, losses, and any consequences thereof.

This release extends to Curious Cubs, event organisers, partners, managers, officers, agents, contractors, volunteers, medical personnel, and the owners or occupiers of the land where activities are conducted or involved. This release and indemnity remain in effect indefinitely and bind my heirs, executors, personal representatives, and assigns.

I have read this waiver of liability, assumption of risk, and indemnity agreement. I fully understand its terms and I release Curious Cubs from any and all liability associated with the program my child is attending.

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